Customer Benefits
Increased efficiency
By organise and gathering all marketing material at one place, you dont have to but hours of unnecessary work to seak, distribute and approve material
Integrated communication
As a result of everyone in the organisation having direct acces to the right texts, images, presentations and other printed matter you can be sure that the right messages is communicated.
Increase your costs
When everyone who needs marketing material adjust after their special needs, can produce their own printed matters, you dont have to involve local advertising agencys which will save you a lot of time and money.
Shorten your productiontime
You will get a lot of time over for other projects when you and youre employees in a easy and fast way can produce and distribute ads and campaignes direct in the system.
Easy to re-use
You dont have to create new material every time, you can simply seek and re-use ads or other matierial that has been made earlier, both local or in other offices oround the country. You can also take part of youre other offices marketing material and images etc
Anytime you like you can enter the system and get information and statistics about where, when, how and who is working in the system.
Your short-cut to the print house
By several sharp functions UniQueue simplify the cooperation between the print house, advertising agency and the costumers units. You will save a lot of time!